About New Vintage Church

We need Jesus, and we need each other.

All of us long for more: more purpose and meaning, more freedom and peace. For most of us finding more is a struggle because we keep trying to do it on our own.

The truth is that no matter what our self-sufficiency-obsessed culture tells us, we need Jesus and we need each other. Join us at New Vintage Church as we we discover a vibrant faith in Jesus Christ together.

Our Vision


As a church, everything we do is about Jesus.

Jesus is our Savior, we love him, and we keep Christ and his mission at the core of all we do. We don’t simply believe in “God” in a generic way. We believe God is revealed to the world in Jesus Christ, and he now operates in and through his followers, the Church. We preach Jesus, pray in his name, sing his name in our songs, and share stories of how Jesus has impacted us and transformed us. 
This is more than a value: He is our way, our truth, and our life. We long to develop our passionate love affair with our redeemer through worship, devotion, and obedience.


We love what Jesus loves: People.

We long to be a powerful, practical, and life-giving church that touches our community and changes lives. As Jesus impacts and changes our lives, he calls us to impact our immediate community. 
One of our passions is to see all races and ages represented in the church—from the leadership team to those who are attending. In fact, we want to reach all kinds of people, even those who are shunned by culture. Because we believe reaching all people is the heart of Jesus, we filter our outward-focused efforts on reaching people who need to know Him. 


We serve our cities.

Just as Jesus went from town to town, preaching and healing the sick, we have a heart to serve our cities. We’re called to be salt and light, and so we’re involved in our schools, in our government, with the civic servants, and with our city’s laborers. All the while, we model unity with the churches in our area. In addition, we raise up and send out called and qualified church planters to serve cities near us and around the world. 
We can't wait to meet you. Seriously.