Serve at New Vintage Church
At New Vintage we believe that every person was created with gifts and talents that they can use to impact the world. Not only are these talents a service to the world but having opportunities to use these gifts is a big part of living a fulfilling life. One way you can start to use these gifts is through our serving teams or “Dream Teams”. Here is where your church experience really moves from passive to active. You go from being a bystander to a builder of the church. If you are interested in joining one of our Dream Teams, click on a team for more information. If you have questions about teams, you can contact Jeff Morgan at
Welcome Team
This team is made up of the most friendly and loving people here at NVC. We work hard to make everyone feel welcome and at home. We want to make a great first impression! We are the warm welcoming faces of the parking lot and door greeters you see when you first arrive. We also manage NVC’s welcome center where people can learn more about events, next steps, and how to connect at New Vintage Church.
Usher Team
Our Usher team is vital to helping our services run smoothly. We don’t just help people find seats, we help people experience our worship services with minimal distractions. By keeping a watchful eye on the needs of everyone, the Usher team helps with anything from finding restrooms to offering resources to parents for kids who are struggling in service and implements many in-service elements, like communion.
Coffee Team
At New Vintage, Jesus is number one in our hearts, but coffee might be a close second. Our coffee team is passionate about bringing life-giving, deliciously roasted coffee to all of our guests. Even more than that, this team loves to serve others and make sure they know we are glad they are here. Just like when you host someone at your house, a warm cup of coffee (or iced coffee) goes a long way to make someone feel welcomed, and that is what our team aims to do.
Host Team
Our host team members are passionate about connecting with people. Our only job is to meet people at New Vintage, remember names and help them get connected in new ways. Whether it is meeting a first -time visitor in the lobby or sitting down and talking to people in our sanctuary, our host team helps to make sure everyone feels seen and known at New Vintage.
Hospitality Team
Our hospitality team members are truly the unsung heroes of the church. They take care of so many behind the scenes things that add that extra touch to our events and services. Sometimes it’s through coordinating food and snacks, and other times it is by making sure we have clean table clothes, but either way they are making sure everyone who comes to an event gets the best experience possible.
Security/Safety Team
While this team might sound intimidating, we are the friendliest people at NVC. We are passionate to make sure people feel safe and secure when they come into our building. This team is trained and instructed on emergency response protocol and relies on situational awareness to report or respond to anything that might be a threat.
New Vintage Kids
Safety, Fun and Jesus, this is our goal in New Vintage kids. Our team is also made up of individuals who simply love Jesus and greatly value the younger generation! Every volunteer on our team goes through training and passes a background check to assure safety for our kids and peace of mind for parent!
Tech Team
This team is so important in helping our services run smoothly. Everything from lighting, sound, video and projection, this team runs it all. The great news is you don’t have to be an expert. If you are interested in learning, and are passionate about helping people experience the presence of God during service this team might be for you.
Creative Team
Our creative team is built on individuals who see great value in, you guess it, creativity! These people run our social media, web site, as well as produce all of our graphics, photographs, written material and videos. If you are passionate about creatively pointing people to Jesus, we’d love to meet you.
Prayer Team
The prayer team is crucial to everything we do here at NVC. Our prayer teams are made up of well seasoned and trained individuals who love Jesus and have a heart to see others living the free and vibrant life of faith and joy Jesus desires fo all of us.
Small Group Leads
We believe doing life together is important for the life of our church, and there is no better way to do so than in small groups. Our small group leads are, members of NVC, trained and qualified individuals or couples who love to host “community”. We have a saying at NVC that “No one fights alone”, and as a small group leader you will have the opportunity to stand with people and see great miracles!
Gravity Youth
Gravity is a vibrant youth ministry here at NVC. Through passionate worship, inspiring, challenging and Bible rich messages, this group of young people is being equipped to love and serve Jesus for the rest of their lives. It isn’t just about the service with gravity youth, our youth team is built with individuals who love Jesus and believe greatly in the next generation.